Murder On The Street

by Jenni Marie   Mar 28, 2007

Searching for her everywhere
Panic coursing through my veins
Knowing I have to find her
There's everything to gain.

Eyes locking on his face
Shocked at the hatred within
How can he possibly be doing this?
Committing this treacherous sin?

Hand over her mouth
Preventing her screams
Seeing the terror on my face
His eyes begin to gleam.

Running in their direction
As he drags her away
Feeling I've been to Hell and back
On this tear filled day.

He's almost out of sight now
Will I lose that little girl today?
Why is he doing this?
Tormenting me with this game he plays?

Weaving in and out of traffic
Cutting across traffic lanes too
Realizing within moments
My panic for her has grew.

Catching sight of him again
Now almost within his reach
Knowing that very soon
There's a lesson I have to teach.

Leaping upon his back
Watching her scramble away
This evil man about to be taught a lesson
About trying to take her away.

Wrestling the gun from his grip
Aiming at his head
Releasing the trigger calmly
Shooting him stone cold dead.

Watching him fall to the floor
Feeling void of any emotion
Blood slowly pooling around
This man lying there broken.

Turning slowly to her
Wrapping her tightly in my arms
Hoping this will be a meaningful lesson
To anyone who does my four year old sister harm.

**Based On A Nightmare I Had About My Little Sister Being Kidnapped...*


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  • 17 years ago

    by Dominique

    I really liked that poem . i'm the oldest of 5 kids 2 sisters and 2 brothers and i have to admit dreams about them being kidnapped are the worst. One time i woke up in the middle of the night after I had a similar dream to see where my brother was. Great job i loved it because I can really appriciate this poem because I can relate!!

  • 17 years ago

    by lovely

    Weaving in and out of traffic
    Cutting across traffic lanes too
    Realizing within moments
    My panic for her has grew

    i think that last line in that should be has grown. but in all, wonderful! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by monika

    Wow thats a very strong poem its great to see that you can write something so good from a dream! well done!

  • 17 years ago

    by Linden

    Great poem. I was in suspense from start to finish.
    But this lined didn’t make much sense…
    My panic for her has grew.

    Maybe it’s just me… Well I hope it’s just me because other then that it was great.

  • 17 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    This was very nicely written. My favourite stanza was this:

    "Wrestling the gun from his grip
    Aiming at his head
    Releasing the trigger calmly
    Shooting him stone cold dead."

    I especially liked the ending of this. It's nice to see that you got inspiration from a dream; that's rather unique. And it's always good to hear when people get inspiration from different places.

    Good work. 5/5.

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