The Only Way

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Mar 29, 2007

The only way you will ever know me,
Is to be me.
The only way you will ever understand me,
Is to live my life.

I'm not an easy code to crack
Not a simple lock to pick.
My soul is dark and deeply scarred
My heart in tiny pieces
My mind is an abused child
My body shows the wounds of life
My eyes are dull and lifeless
My face tired and gaunt
My legs are weak and weakening
My arms cut and bleeding -
All this in front of you
And still you have no idea.

The only way you will ever know me,
Is to be me.
The only way you will ever understand me,
Is to live my life.
But just thank God
That you'll never be me
And that you'll never have to
Suffer through my life -
You would never survive...

29 March 2007


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