Comments : Escaping from poverty

  • 18 years ago

    by Twisted Heart

    A very poignant write, dear friend. You have brought up some very valid points. This has brought to light the many facets of poverty and strife.

    "It breeds inside every inch of their hearts
    It is the dirt imprinted on their rags of clothes
    The contaminated water cupped by their hands
    The pain felt with every step they take
    It is the gasp of polluted air they inhale
    Poverty is etched on their faces"

    Very well done, Bonnie


  • 18 years ago

    by Lu

    I really liked how you ended the first and last stanza with the same line. It had a real "in your face" listen to me, hear my words attitude about it.
    A very strong message lay between the lines of this piece.
    Take care dear Bonnie

  • 18 years ago

    by Cindy

    Very strong message. It is very sad that this still goes on in our world.

    It is in the twinkle of an undeveloped tear
    Sitting on their eyelid, waiting to fall
    It is inside the eyes that meet a struggle each day
    Every drop of sweat and blood drained from their bodies
    It is amongst all the diseases they could not possibly cure
    Poverty is etched on their faces

    Great job on this piece.
    Take Care Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Cathy

    Great poem Bonnie! You have talent, its very sad what this world goes through and its very sad when there is little we can do, but I can see that your a person with heart to write a poem of this topic as well as the other poems youve written. Great job girl! 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Alma

    I must say you really captured the atmosphere the descriptive language you used truly helped you to capture the moment (big worlds think your so smart lol) though as me and you both know poverty does not only last for a moment a lot of times it's the only thing some children will ever know they are born into it and die becasue of it we must open eyes to understand why it is that so many people all over the world are forced to live like this and stand up and fight against the power and money that pays corupt governments to make peoples lives a living hell.
    Luv ya
    this is a beautiful piece of poetry
    I 've taught you well LOL
    Jokes you are very aware of what happens in this world
    proud of you for not being just one of the crowd

  • 17 years ago

    by Gem

    I'm speechless.. i'm really lost for words..

    "It is in the twinkle of an undeveloped tear
    Sitting on their eyelid, waiting to fall"

    You've portrayed so much in this piece, it's outstanding..
    well done sweets..

  • 17 years ago

    by 888Trinity888

    Hey, thanks, I really appreciate the comment! This is an awesome poem. I like this one the best so far in yours that I've read. keep it up! Peace, Trinity

  • 17 years ago

    by ADyingProphet

    "It is in the twinkle of an undeveloped tear
    Sitting on their eyelid, waiting to fall"

    Very nice work, it made me realize the true sadness of poverty. Great work and keep it up. Most def a 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by hayley

    Your right. maybe one day everything will change... for the better. very nicely written.

    lots of love