by naomi   Mar 31, 2007

He can't touch me when you're there
but you didn't know you didn't care
i thought you knew i guess i was wrong
but you held me up and kept me strong
thats why i love you my big brother
we always look out for one another
you'll always protect me and make me smile
telling me I'm worth the while
you say its not my fault hes the one to blame
and that i should suffer no shame
don't blame yourself you helped me through
thats why I'll protect you too
I'll be there when things get tough
when you feel like you're not enough
but i know different you just need to see
how amazing you can really be.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Baby Rainbow

    Wow i like it, sounds like you two have a special friendship together, very good thing to have. xxxxxx