by Jonathan Smith   Mar 31, 2007

I believed you had cared for me
But deep inside I knew nothing you said was true
I pretended to believe all of your lies
But deep inside I knew all of them were false
So now we say goodbye
One final time
Although I'm sure you'll come back to me again
But I'm banning you forever now
I don't want you anymore
And please don't look upon me
With your pitiful tearful eyes
I don't love you anymore
And I certainly do not forgive you
I doubt I ever will....
But knowing that I am the true weak one of the two of us
I probably will care for you again
But I don't want to love you
I don't want to need you
But I am powerless to fight my feelings for you
My feelings that always seem to change
So to prevent anything else from happening
I will say it one last final time


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  • 17 years ago

    by Emmy

    I feel the same sux...sometimes u have to move on and forget but thats too hard
    [[sorry so random]]