Comments : To Our Friends

  • 17 years ago

    by KaKaSHi

    Nice poem...loved that u dedicated it to ur friends...and dont worry...ull get friends before u know it
    a couple of things though
    a repitition of a rhyme weakens the poem
    For it is filled with passion.
    It encourages me also,
    Which then leads to passion.
    (passion twice)

    and "Of their impact unto me." is grammaticly should be
    "how much of an impact they had on me"
    none-the-less....a 5/5 from me...nice work

  • 17 years ago

    by fvalconbridge

    I like this, it's got a good length, i don't agree with 'Elemental Versifier' about the grammer error, sure it isn't correct, but we have poets rights, what we say, goes. But I do agree on the double use of passion. But overall I love it, I think the deication was cute at the end and I have rated it 5/5. Keep up the good work!!
