Fear My Thoughts Part II

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Apr 1, 2007

I'm an ordinary child
With a bit of a twist -
I'm no longer of this world,
By Death I have been kissed.
People feared who I was
And what I might have done -
I used to cut myself
To see my blood, just for fun.
I was rejected
Because I was dressed in black,
Afraid I would turn
And stab them in the back.
But it was never my actions
They had to fear.
How they got to that conclusion
I have no idea.
But don't get me wrong
There were things by which they were disturbed.
And rightly so,
If they weren't, it would've been absurd.
The problem is
They feared the wrong things -
They feared what my mouth said
Instead of the song my mind sings.
Because they do not know
The demons I have fought
They should never have feared me
But rather feared my thoughts...

01 April 2007


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  • 17 years ago

    by PoeticJustice

    This is a very interesting poem. i really really like it.

  • 17 years ago

    by Darkening Dawn

    I usually don't like rhymed poems (that's cause people usually make it sound stupid) but this is really well done.

  • 17 years ago

    by xXxDarkDreamerxXx

    Wow! this was an AWESOME poem!
    I loved it! The words themselfs are very deep
    and i can relate to some of the things u said.
    But w/out a doubt ur a great poet! Keep it up!