Seven Red Roses

by Hollymariee   Apr 1, 2007

** It would mean ALOT to me if you commented or voted... thanks.**

On my 18th birthday,
I heard a knock at the door.
There was no one in sight,
Only a bouquet on the floor.

I picked it up,
And read the note inside.
What I learned that day,
Brought tears to my eyes.

"Dear Robyn,
I don't know how to tell you,
But it'll have to come out some day.
I've loved you since the day we've met
And each rose has something to say.

The first is for how much I love your smile,
How it brightens up my day.
How it makes me want to smile too
And my problems go away.

The second is for your patience,
How you know there's always time.
How you never have the need to rush,
And you can always spare a dime.

The third is for your beautiful eyes,
How they sparkle in the light.
For how I lose myself in them,
And think everything's alright.

The fourth is for your confidence,
How you never show you're shy.
You achieve your heart's desires,
As you build estime and pride.

The fifth is for how you listen,
No matter what I say.
How you're always so attentive,
And you never walk away.

The sixth is for how you accept me,
Just the way I am.
You'd never ask me to change my ways,
Or to fall where I stand.

The last is for how I'm sorry,
But I left you today.
I decided to jump of the bridge,
Near the park where we used to play.

Don't bother to try and save me,
My selfesh deed is done.
You were what kept me alive,
But now my dear you're gone.

My future wasn't bright,
And my life could not have been saved.
Even though I told you everything,
I took much more to my grave.

I'm sorry you had to hear this,
On such a special day.
But I just couldn't take no more
And there isn't much more to say.

Only that I love you,
And I'm sorry a million times.
But I must ask you one more thing...
Please Robyn, don't cry.

No matter how hard I tried,
I could not fulfill his last request.
I cried myself to sleep for weeks,
And for days I could not rest.

For his funeral I returned the favor,
I bought him a bouquet.
It contained a full dozen roses,
But only one had something to say.

"Dear Austin,
I know your world had become,
A cold and darkened place.
There were seldom times I saw you,
With a smile upon your face.

I should've reacted sooner,
I should've saw the signs.
Now you're gone forever,
And I can never call you mine.

I'm sorry I took so long,
To tell you the way I feel.
Maybe if I would've told you sooner,
Just maybe you'd still be here.
Love Robyn"


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  • 16 years ago

    by SashaMirage

    Holly, this was amazing! It is usually hard for people to pull off such long poems and make them so perfect as this. I loved the subject and how I thought the poem was going, but then you surprised me with a twist! I really like that because it made your writing even more interesting! Great job. 5.5

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    GOd this was so touching. it made me wanna cry. it was beauitful but yet sadly he went away. a poem like this the one u have writen realie touched mi. to tell the ones u love, I love you every single day. cuz who knows what might happen. i loved it. once again you have writen an amzing poem.

    TaKe CaRe,

  • 16 years ago

    by Aveena

    Oh my this is great, it had a lot of emotions in it. very good
    kepp itt up :) ♥


  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    Oh my goodness! :] This was so adorable.. each of the seven roses represented something different.. wow. So unique.. and so beautiful! This was reallllly cute. Very well done. I adored this piece of yours!

  • 16 years ago

    by isabel

    It is a beautiful and very sad poem...
    It has a very well written twist... I must say I wasn't expecting it when i first began to read...
    It is very meaningful and filled with emotion...
    The flow is wonderful... The poem is absolutely great...
    This just took my breath away...
