Comments : Seven Red Roses

  • 17 years ago

    by tyanna

    Wow..this poem was long but you knept it interesting..I like how you did a stanza for each rose instead of just a line.. I really like this poem..Maybe reword the line that says he decided to jump off the bridge because it kind of through the flow off a little..Other than that it was great..I could feel the emotion and felt sorry for him..and for the girl.. Great job...5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Krysten

    Omg wow. i\this poem truly brought tears to my eyes. it was so beautiful and sad all at once. i love this poem. i have to ask though is it true, or just a poem? well yeah great poem 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Such a sad but still beautiful poem. I really don't know what else to say exsept to keep up the good work:)

  • 17 years ago

    by Georgi

    Wow! that was SO beautiful i have tears in my eyes.
    i loved how it was set out, it looked beautiful as well as sounding beautiful. The way you had seven red roses, and explained each rose in a different stanza i thought that was extremely effective.
    I also love the note from Austin, and the heartfelt emotion that went into it it was SO beautiful. And you described the girls reaction beautifully =]
    i loved this! not many poems can make me cry! haha
    if u have time please comment my latest or any one that catches your eye! =]
    take care
    and KEEP WRITING!!! =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Birgit

    This is beautiful. =] It ends different than I thought at the beginning! Keep it up!

  • Wow!When I saw this titled I ws expecting something totally different.It really suprised me though.The poem was beautifully written and I like how you ended it.The flow was nearly flawless and it was a very emotional.5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by nikki

    Now that was long, but you kept it interesting.
    it was wonderfully written. you can see that this piece cam straight from your heart, i think a lot of people could relate to this 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    It's very good. I found some errors though.
    I decided to jump of* the bridge,
    My selfesh* deed is done.
    The rhyming in some parts is off but you get away with it. It's a five.

  • 17 years ago

    by Rose not your average

    This was such a sweey poem at first i though it would be jsut a regular love poem! its hard for me to like love poems but this one was so sweet amd sad! i loved it

  • 17 years ago

    by Josie

    Brilliant is all i can say!! absolutely brilliant!! i loved it..

  • 16 years ago

    by Katie

    Aww, I really, really like this poem. I thought at first it would be the whole "happily ever after" story, but it isn't. It is really great!

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    This whole poem truly brought tears to my eyes, and you really have a wonderful gift of writing.

    "On my 18th birthday,
    I heard a knock at the door.
    There was no one in sight,
    Only a bouquet on the floor."

    Terrific opening that really brought me into this poem.

    "The third is for your beautiful eyes,
    How they sparkle in the light.
    For how I lose myself in them,
    And think everything's alright."

    Such beautiful words written here. It really shows how much he truly loved you.

    "Don't bother to try and save me,
    My selfesh deed is done.
    You were what kept me alive,
    But now my dear you're gone."

    Awww....that's so sad. You depicted such sadness here in your words.

    "No matter how hard I tried,
    I could not fulfill his last request.
    I cried myself to sleep for weeks,
    And for days I could not rest."

    How horrible, that the one you loved admitted that he loved you, and then now he has passed away.....very heartfelt...

    "I'm sorry I took so long,
    To tell you the way I feel.
    Maybe if I would've told you sooner,
    Just maybe you'd still be here.
    Love Robyn"

    Great ending, you amazed with this poem, and you really should be proud of it. Great rhyming and word choice throughout this piece. Keep writing, always and forever...

  • Beautiful poem!! made me cry! again you have a great talent on twisting your poems... the flow was almost perfect, the end fades a little, but other than that it was beautifully penned...

    did this really happen??
    because if it did then i think i'm crying harder... so sad!!

    This is my favorite poem! i'm adding it to my list!


  • 16 years ago

    by Stephanie

    Oh lordy, this was simply beautiful. I'll be honest and say that I actually had a few tears in my eyes. The flow was smooth and I love how the poem was telling a story. It definintely kept me hanging on until the end. Nicely done. (: 5/5

    Take care,

  • 16 years ago

    by Tara Kay

    This was a very long poem, but throughout it i was in aww, i was close to tears throughout, a little bit more and i would have been a mess. you did an amazing job on the emotion, and the imagery, the flow was near perfect. l
    ove Tara-Kay

  • This poem was very hearfelt and strong.The emotions were deep.Flow was a little off in places but no biggie.5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Tangible heartache

    Aww wow....this is so sad and heartbreaking. It's so full with emotions, and it's so deep. I really love this, how it relflects all what he loves, and it's so sweet and cute. My all time favorite love poem. It's absolutely wonderful.

    Altough, I feel you could hade don better with the rhyme on the last stanza, the whole poem was great.

    Good Job.


  • 16 years ago

    by AngelicDecadence

    Woah. Thats kinda all i can say right now.
    No offence, but that definitely wasnt what i was thinking would happen. Amazing though, it threw me off at the end, really fantastic ending. So very sad. Im sorry that happened. Its very rare that a poem can hit so hard that it waters my eyes.
    Very well written.
    *Chaotic Angel*

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Wow.. this really sad. it was beauitful.. the words were great. the flow was amazing. eveything i just loved it. the whole poem. made me cry. amazing gurl. u got talent. Keep it up. =)

    take care,

  • 16 years ago

    by STEPHANiiE

    This poem is nice...even though i had 2 wipe my eyes...i like this...your a great writer
    2 tumbs up