Daddy's little girl

by Kaila   Apr 2, 2007

Daddy's little girl,
Stands here so strong.
In daddy's eyes,
She's never wrong.

Daddy's little girl,
Always does what she's told.
She's the perfect little angel,
So he never has to scold.

Daddy's little girl,
Is as perfect as can be.
With her pink little dresses,
She's cute as can be!

Daddy's little girl,
Gets what she wants.
It's not diamonds,
It's the attention she's got.

Daddy's little girl,
Misses him so much.
That she would give anything,
Just for one last touch.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Alexandra Jade Brewer

    I loved how simple this poem was. I know you wanted us to read poems with little amount of votes... but I had to read this one. It was so sweet, so full of love and longing for what can not be. It was an amazing write

  • 17 years ago

    by Spirit

    *Cries uncontrolably*
    sorry but it was so sad
    this is realy different from what i am used to reading and i utterally enjoyed it
    :~)Sam Mayo

  • 17 years ago

    by Miranda

    Beautiful,emotional piece.A couple of times the wording seemed a bit off,but it was still good.I loved how you ended it,it closed it very well.A 5/5 from me.

    Keep writing,

  • 17 years ago

    by unknown

    I hope one day i can be a father like that, and my daughter will write a poem like you.. ^^
    This poem was so nice,,, I liked it,,, simple, but the flow was good... An enjoyable poem,,
    Keep up the good work..

  • 17 years ago

    by BreakMyWingsAndRun

    Great poem! It sounds soo true because of the words that you used! very good! 5/5