Friendship n. a mutual relationship of affection & good will

by beav   Apr 2, 2007

Friendship n. a mutual relationship of affection & good will
my friend h-
she is the free spirit that i will never be.
she follows the desires of her heart.
she can walk blindfolded into the night and not stumble.
she is led by the light she finds inside her.
she is fearless.
she is a gift.
she has never ceased to be my friend.
she is beautiful, like a dew-laced spider is beautiful.
she has a fire in her that never goes out.
she is completely marvelous. she is my friend.

my friend e-
she became my friend by-way of Gods excellent sense of humor.
it is truly amazing how alike we are.
and truly wonderful, our differences.
she can make me so weary from laughter.
tears on my cheeks, my stomach- all tight with chuckles and guffaws.
gasping for air, my face- a red round tomato.
then that after-laugh elation comes over like a drug.
and in a few minutes, it will probably start all over again.
we haven't always laughed.
we have been tried by the dark forces of friendship.
and, together, we vanquished those dark forces- never to look back
(unless to laugh at ourselves).
she has been there for me at my darkest hour.
she has been there when she didn't have to be.
she encourages me.
she is my tried and true friend-
for life.

my friend k-
my angel. our friendship is one of Divine handiwork.
whenever i am with him weird and beautiful things happen.
amazing things.
he is beautiful- in every way.
he smiles from his heart and gut.
his laughter is honest.
he has been my saving grace more than he knows.
he is a gypsy-soul, full of vigor and youth.
he welcomes the throws of life with no fear.
i have told him "you're doomed to succeed".
he is.
he is more than a friend to me.
he always will be.

my friend l-
when i think of him the sun rises and i always smile.
being near him soothes my spirit.
no time passes between us.
he is like no other.
his soul is old.
he has lived lifetimes.
he has old wisdom.
he holds passion.
he has the will of atlas.
it is easy to love him.
it's ok to be me.
to look in his comely eyes is to see that he is looking deeper than you-
and you are lost.
he is real like rain is wet.
what bonds us is hard to define.
he inspires me.
uncommon charm, wit.
a certain salaciousness.
he hugs like the last time.
then he smiles,
and the sun rises


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