by Katie Apr 4, 2007
category :
Life, society /
Like the waves that crash the sand I will cover up the footprints of the past. The places that I have roamed and the people I have met. When they come to find me I will hide. I will never show them what I have dreamt about. That is gone now, left with the footprints in the waves. Why would I want to save memories that haunt me and kill me everyday? Others say they are what make us strong and powerful, others say that they weaken us. My fears, my dreams, my nightmares, my broken heart are things that I fear or can't accomplish. They are things that people look for so they can storm on my smile and turn it around. Without my footprints I am strong and weak. I can still cry like rain but now I can go against my fears and face them. Make them disappear with the footprints in the sand. |