Farewell, My Beloved

by I Seem to be the Heartless   Apr 5, 2007

A walk through life
Isn't as easy as some would say
Especially when you're on your own.

All alone

Isn't that how we all feel?
Like there's no one around
No one who can help us through.

Save me

Won't somebody get me out of here
Out of this hole I've fallen into
This hole of depression.


Why can't I die?
What is stopping me from taking the final step
The step that will end it all.


I suffer daily
My heart has been stolen
And torn in two.

The end

It has come
And in time will come for you
But for me it is here...


If I've caused any pain
I wish I could make it all better
But now, all the pain will be gone.


That's all that's left to say.
Just remember I will always love you
Farewell, my beloved...

04 April 2004


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  • 17 years ago

    by Thoughtless Consideration

    I really enjoyed this alot. It was very heartfelt and I really loved the layout of it and everything. 5/5