Close your eyes and picture me there, showing to you how much I care.
I'm blowing you a kiss through the wind that blows, holding this love for you that only God knows.
When it reaches you cherish it with pleasure, you're my angel sent to me, my number 1 treasure.
Just take my hand without a doubt, and we can show the world what true love is about.
Holding me in your arms, kisses on my cheek, I'm so crazy in love I cant even speak.
The way you say my name sends chills down my spine, everything about you, I want you to be all mine.
Being with you could be so much fun, when two single hearts can finally become one.
Take a chance on me, I promise its no mistake, I'm as real as it gets, I swear I ain't a fake.
So give me your love, trust everything I say, you will have no regrets, Ill give you my love in every way.
So tell me now and tell me true, tell me exactly how you feel, give me a clue.
I will treat you right, you are all that I need, can you be only mine, this I plead.
Everything I'm telling you is coming straight from my heart, and after you take me we will never be apart.
I promise you all of this, so trust me its alright, because you are my love and Ill never let you out of my sight.