Without Your Help (Bipolar)

by No1ButMe   Apr 5, 2007

The ultimate high

Where nothing can go wrong

Nothing can touch me

I am invincible

Don't bother me

I am not in this world

All my energy

Flowing like a river

A river of strength

Where nothing and no one

Can touch me

I have come to the top of the world

Then I hit it

The ultimate low

Where I am depressed

Nothing is right

And I am worthless

I want to die

Life is not worth it

And neither is this pain

I just want to sleep and never awake

I look over at my medication

How much will it take

To end my life

I take a walk outside

And see the cracks on the pavement

Reminders that nothing

Absolutely nothing lasts forever

No one is strong enough for life

And something will always leak through

Just as it always does

Then I see the sky

And I wish so badly to be up there

So light and carefree

With no worries in the world

Seeing is believing and I believe

I believe the world is evil

I believe that nothing will end happy

And I believe there is no fairy tales

My mood of life changes like the wind

One minute high

The next minute low as dirt

No make that below dirt

Where only darkness lives

So let me live in my high

Because soon enough I'll hit my low

And I'll be miserable

I can do that without your help…


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Latest Comments

  • 12 years ago

    by Formidable Muse

    Bipolar disorder is so complex and such a scary thing to deal with. I totally feel where you are coming from in this. Well written.

  • 13 years ago

    by My Name Is Mouse

    This is beautiful and well put. i myself suffer from bipolar since the age of 7, also ocd and bulimia. just liike yourself. keep ya head high now and always.

  • 13 years ago

    by My Name Is Mouse

    This is beautiful and well put. i myself suffer from bipolar since the age of 7, also ocd and bulimia. just liike yourself. keep ya head high now and always.

  • 14 years ago

    by Lioness

    Hey hun,

    I loved this poem. I am sure a lot of people with bipolar can relate to it. It's not an easy thing to go through with help let alone!


  • 17 years ago

    by Xx KaYleY 2008 BaYbeE xX

    Greatly written....i have bipolar and know exactly where you are coming from with it so great piece of writing keep it up!!;)!!