I hate missing you

by Anonymous Angel   Apr 6, 2007

I hate that I miss you
my eyes are wondering where you are
I love it when you're near me
but hate it when you're gone...

If you could just stay with me,
and never leave
If that was an easy option,
then there would be no option at all.

Why can't you be here all the time,
just to be with me
then I wouldn't have to miss you,
but would it be the same?

Now that I miss you
and haven't seen you for days,
its going to be so much more fun
when I finally see you..

So maybe missing you is not so bad after all.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by LiNa

    Great poem i loved it

  • 17 years ago

    by Unamed

    I think it's good...umm the flow could have a tiny more work on!..but it's otherwise..great!

  • 17 years ago

    by TwistedAngel xx

    Nice poem
    it reminds me of how i hate to be away from my boy but when i see him after not seeing him for a while it can be one of the sweetest moments.
    well done.


  • Aww, I know how you feel. That's what happens when I don't see my fiance, or when he's not with me. I loved it. Definately on my favs.5/5

    <mOnStRiTo'S pRiNcEsS>

  • 17 years ago

    by Cotton Candy Clouds

    Wow...good job on this poem girly! i can relate to missing someone cuz my boyfriend lives in flordia and i havent seen him in two years...i could really relate to this poem and you did an excellent job on it : ) 5/5