Tears Like Rain

by Jess Lynn   Apr 6, 2007

Visions of the future
Parade through my head.
Foggy, yet strangely clear
Of what will happen next.

Tears upon pearly cheeks
Like rain upon gravestones
That dot the roads, numerous as
Bodies on the battlefield.

The peace, swept away
With tears like rain,
Flowing like a river of bereavement
Up into the Heavens.

Because in the future,
Dotted with sorrow,
Drunken with rage,
Not even the Heavens can be happy.

Because the sun is gone,
With everything peaceful.
The only thing left is
Tears like rain.


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  • 17 years ago

    by lost and incomplete

    The flow was smooth, all in all i thought it was a great read, keep up the good work.