Remember when....

by Fiona   Apr 7, 2007

Do you remember when..
getting high meant swinging on the playground.
The worst thing you could get from boys were cooties
and germs. Mommy was your hero and dad was the only
boy in your life. Your worst enemy were your siblings
race issues were who could run fastest. War was just
a card game. The only drug you knew of was cough
medicine. Wearing skirts meant you were a princess. The only thing people smoked were tires on
your bike. The only thing that hurt was skinned knees
and paper cuts. The only thing that got broken were
your toys. Life was simple and carefree. But what i
remember the most was wanting to g r o w u p.
now i want to be a little k i d again.


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  • 17 years ago

    by jeligirl

    Wow. this poem is so true. and you said it in such a goog way. =]

  • 17 years ago

    by Kalee nichole

    Awwww...thats just the cutest ever! too adorable sweetie...simply too adorable! im lovin it! :) because I know EXACTLY how you feel 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by Breeeezie

    This is a good 1

  • 17 years ago

    by hiiiii

    =D x