Do you ever wish you could take things back
Go back to a certain point in your life
Make it turn out the way you wanted it to
Instead of the way it actually happened
I used to think that life was tough
Live with what happens and what doesn't
Live life to the full
Coz life is too short to hold grudges
But something happened to me
That completely changed my way of thinking
2 people who I trusted, loved and believed
They turned on me and watched me sink
They done so much damage
That I never thought they could
They stuffed up my mentality
They ruined everything for good
Tried to turn my friends against me
To make them be on their side
Tried to make my life hell
Which opened up my eyes
You see just before all of this
They decided to argue the point with me
I can't even remember what that is
But I still had the hope that would work it out and still be
Now after seeing their true colours
Now that I know what I know now
I've wished every night this past week
I wished I could go back to when we met
To when they came up to me, started talking
I wish I'd told them where to go!
I wish I never met them
Or became friends with them
If I'd pulled out on the friendships long ago
When I started to see all the signs
I wouldn't here hurt and broken.