I Like A Girl...

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Apr 8, 2007

I like a girl who can make me smile for hours
A girl who can keep me up all night with her sweet voice
A girl that is always happy
A girl that always makes me her first choice

I like a girl that is weird and different
Someone who makes up silly words and phrases
A girl that makes me feel alive when I'm holding her hand
A girl who is who she is and doesn't go through phases

I like a girl that can make me cry so hard
And it still doesn't change the way I feel about them
I like a girl who isn't afraid to speak her mind
A girl who can proudly say "I love him."

I like a girl who makes my life heaven
By simply standing by my side
I like a girl that I can forgive
Even if she lied

I like a girl who lights up my day
I like a girl who makes me feel brand new
So what I'm trying to say Katie
Is that I like you
(Even if you don't like me)

-------------------------------To P.G.------------------------------


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