A Masked Mystery

by Brigitte   Apr 10, 2007

What a beautiful wall
Standing so majestically tall
The people gawk in starring wonder
The elegance of life's a blunder

Mosaic tiles laid just right
Adorned in rivers of colors bright
Reds and purples, Pinks and Blues
Like a child's dream, a simple muse

But no one questions what this wall conceals,
Is there more than the mortal eye reveals?
Or could it be just another fake?
Masking a life of endless mistakes.

But what will happen if the earth shakes?
And the stunning mask meets its break?
Would society still look upon it in glee?
Or spat upon it in displease?

So, what truly lies behind this wall?
And what might happen if it does fall?


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  • 17 years ago

    by Ares

    Really cool poem this:)

  • 17 years ago

    by ~*SugarCube*~

    I fall in love with all your poems. Your poems are amazing. This poem is really great. Nice flow and I loved your word choice. well done. 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Kaitlyn

    I think the key element here was the choice of words, they were picked really well, and they fit in with the rhyme. I can tell that this piece was thought out very carefully, because it has alot of emotion, and I like the way, it actually leaves me asking questions, because its normally the poems that leave me thinking, which are the ones that I remember.


  • 17 years ago

    by Simple Sensation

    Hye, first of all thank you for your comment. Its much appreciated! :)
    Anywyas the description in this poem was amazing. The description catched my attention and drew me in. You kept that grasp of attnetion all throughout the poem. It was excellent. Another thing i really enjoyed was the mystery behind your words... The first 2 stanza's create this beatiful and yet magical feel to the poem, this really draws the reader in. Then the neding was also great as it asks questions which the reader wants to be able to answer, afetr reading the poem people ponder on what the poem was saying. SO yeah amazing job, to improve i suggest you use punctuation as it would help the reader, read the poem the wya you want it to be read. So yeah keep it up! xx

  • 17 years ago

    by Allison

    Excellent poem, it was an enjoyable read. I loved the mystery about the poem and the way that you imply that there may be something else to life that we don't see. Keep up the good work. *5/5*
