There Will Be No Curtain Call

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Apr 11, 2007

This is my pain
I feel like dirt
This is my suffering
This is my hurt

It annoys me to know
The truth you will never find
So much so
That I am losing my mind

But I can do without a brain
But a heart I am not so sure
Death surely awaits me
And you remain the only cure

Please do not go yet
Just hear me out
I promise that we won't scream
I promise that we won't shout

None of this quite seems right
This life just won't do
Because life isn't a life at all
When I don't have you

I know what you're thinking
"I've heard it all before."
But I promise I'll be perfect
I won't let you hit the floor

You realize this is just the dress-rehearsal
To my final daring act
This is no bluff
It is a true fact

I'll let you in on a little secret
You probably won't like it at all
Because after MY finale
There will be no one left for a curtain call

--------------------------------To P.G.-----------------------------


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  • 17 years ago

    by Yazdan

    Good poem. Some of the rhymes seem a bit farfetched and it disrupts the flow but its a good poem overall