The roads natural curves and bumps gently send me off to a daydream
A dream I really didn't want to remember
but I do
I look to the drivers seat
and your glow of passion drags me deeper
Drowning me in the lane of forgotten conversations.
Your smile brightens the darkest of nights,
your words are like sweet whispers
tickling my darkest desires
I roll down the window and feel midnight's brisk wind
Along my free head of hair
The music plays gently of old rock and roll hits
we sing, in and out of tune
while our ears adjust to the life we choose
With each other
Man and woman
Your hand leaves the steering wheel and reaches for mine.
The powerful sense of security controls my fears
Headlights along the highway -
The Road of No where
Just when I feel the Consuming lift of fulfilling love
I snap out of my daydream
I am back to reality
And the hole you pounded into my heart
has grown three times bigger.