Anorexia Nervosa.

by Megann Lee   Apr 13, 2007

I am--as perfect as perfection could ever be.
I am--the poster child of the Tabloids stories.
I am--the trend girls now-a-days are following.
I am--the mirror that distorts your bodily figure.
I am--the pain that twinges in your empty stomach.
I am--a top killer of most young girls in today's society.

I'm not something that you would call cool.
I'm not the best trend you should be following.
I'm not someone that you should be-friend.
I'm a deadly disorder, only obsessed with looks.
I'm not really as perfect as perfection could be.
I'm not really your hero, or something that helps you.
I'm just Anorexia Nervosa and I'm slowly killing you.

(I myself have never had anorexia. No one sees how big of an issues eating disorders are actually becoming. 20-25% of people with an eating disorder will die, the other 20% never fully recovery where as 60% who seek help will. 20-25% is a lot of people who are dieing due to something like this. It's a serious issues and people need to actually stop and think about how big it's getting.)

© Megan Wheeler 2007


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  • 16 years ago

    by AsilentDrip

    Nice poem

    i didnt realize those facts at the end i didnt know that 20% of people die from it....

  • 16 years ago

    by AsilentDrip

    Nice poem

    i didnt realize those facts at the end i didnt know that 20% of people die from it....

  • 17 years ago

    by behindxthextears

    Wow i really like this one.. my best friend has this.. but she dosent like to admitt it and she always calls herself fat when shes really tiny.. and its really freaky so i underestand this completly! and i think its awsome of you to write somthing likt his i really liked it :)