Unknown (part 1)

by M   Apr 13, 2007

Eyes shedding tears
Seeing something that couldnt be
Seeing someone that hasnt been seen
Seeing a thing that is unreal
Reaching out
Trying to catch
Hands clutching air at last
Tormenting the soul of the seeker
Anguish filling the heart of a lover
Rain of sorrow running down soft skin
Why, a voice says, always grasping air?
Nothing more
No skin or bones
Just a shadow of a person
Just a sign of existence
Thunder could be heard
Lightening brightening the night
Running through the forest
Seeking refuge from the unknown
Where are you? Someone cries
I want you by my side
Help me! Screams a person
I am scared all alone
Save me! Another yells
I am trapped inside
Hold me! Added a shout
My heart is tearing inside


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  • 17 years ago

    by M

    Thnx^_^!! i try my best....but thank you for taking the time to read my poem and commenting on it... totally appreciate it!
    hope to hear from you soon!