My First Day at School

by Wallace   Apr 14, 2007

My First Day of School
How could I forget
I was four years old
Yupp, four years you bet

I remember this teacher
She was cold and mean
Her breath was horrible
She needed some Listerine

Her face was wrinkled
Her eyes were red
I hated her so much
I wished she were dead

I remember she taught us
Numbers and words
And then she went on
With pronouns and verbs

I remember her mole
Right on her nose
Her feet were huge
And she had nine toes

In her class
Never raise you hand
For she would shout at you
If you didn't understand

Her ears were huge
She heard every conversation
And when you got caught
You got a detention

Her homework was hard
She gave us long division
And then multiplication
And then subtraction

I remember her ruler
It was ten feet long
She looked so scary
Worst than King Kong

Never walk in
With your shirt hanging out
For it was a week's detention
Without a doubt

She was so cruel
She gave us no recess
No time to play
And no time to rest

Her work was so hard
I never even bother
I hated her so much
Yes, I hated my mother


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by CHANGED

    Lol good one

  • 16 years ago

    by DeepLife

    That so freakin funny!!!!

  • 17 years ago

    by Confined

    Jokes poem =P i had a teach like dat once lol

  • 17 years ago

    by I love you always and today

    LOL that made me tear cause it's soo funny I loved it

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie


    I certainly didn't see that ending coming, that made me crack up in giggles.

    I enjoyed this, I've often tried to write humouress poems and found it difficult, so I think you did a wonderful job with this.

    The only suggestion I would have for this is to try and fix this stanza up a little:

    "Her homework was hard
    She gave us long division
    And then multiplication
    And then subtraction"

    I found it didn't rhyme as well as the rest of the piece did.