A Month

by Willow   Apr 14, 2007

It's been a month,
Since i last made a mark,
And let then blood run down my arm,
While trying not to fall apart.

Since that last time,
It's been harder to cope.
I get so worked up,
and stare longingly at a rope.

Every time i feel so down,
I want to cut myself so deep.
Every time i cry,
My blood also wants to weep.

I'm trying to be strong for so many,
But the more I try,
The more I hurt,
And the more I want to cry.

*not the best poem but it has been a month since i last cut, but it doesn't feel like a good thing though. cause i am more stressed and cry more and i know that the next time i do it i will dig it so deep i will have a huge scar on my wrist. i need someone to talk to that can relate to this circumstance. love willow*


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  • 17 years ago

    by cc

    Wow! I love this poem it is so so TRUE! I mean it relates to me in all the same ways, it has been a month since I have cut and yet I cry more and i'm afraid the next time I do it then I'm going to hert myself really bad, and some times I just need some one to talk to

  • 17 years ago

    by Beauty In The Breaking

    So full of such pain and feelings of hopelessness =( Sadly I understand those feelings all to well and struggle with them all the time =( Just remember that your not now, nor will you ever be, alone ^_^ That kinda comforts me at times =p Hang in there and a wonderfully expressed job on this poem. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by unblue skye

    Great poem! but plz like every1 else said, dont cut urself... its not good....-.- u dont need to go through that pain... if u want to talk 2 meh send a message or look in meh profile for meh email! ^_^


  • 17 years ago

    by SunDown Sky

    Fabulous.. O_O

  • Hey Gorjuz

    Willow Ur an amazing Girl, Dont Do This 2 urself , its going 2 be alright , ill always be here for u , ill be ur support and help u through it , you can make it i believe in u

    Ill ALways Be Here for u always
    lUV U mWAH!! xoxox