Make a Wish

by LostLikeTearsInRain   Apr 16, 2007

Make a wish
Now count to ten
Close your eyes
And love again

Open your eyes now
I am right in front of you
I've always been here
But you just never knew

Please don't apologize
For any past offenses
They are nothing more
Than false pretenses

All that matters
Is that we are together now
So forget the unanswerable questions
Such as "when" and "how"

We have each other
Don't sweat the rest
We've done the impossible
And aced this love test

Ignore the scowls
Forget our immature peers
For as long as we have each other
We will have no fears

--------------------------To P.G.----------------------------


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  • 17 years ago

    by David

    The start. whoa. i love it. you are so talented. i love your poems. plz keep submitting them. i try to read them all.

    5/5 David