My light

by * isolated vampire*   Apr 16, 2007

I wanna turn off my light,
nothing left but the pain.
All i see is darkness.
my light has vanished before my eyes.
why am i never happy?
never feel full inside.
always feel as if I'm never enough.
no one to understand,
or care who i really am,
always wanna judge me,
just the way i look.
never wanna get to know me.
no one ever there,
always alone.
i wanna turn off my light.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Nearly but not quite

    Please, please do me a favour, and talk to people, tell them how you're feeling, if that is how you feel and you don't just have an amazing imagination, because reading that poem, it scares me how much it looks like how I felt just before I tried to kill myself.
    On a lighter note, it's really amazing, 5/5.