Why are you so blind,
to how much I'm in love with you,
why is your heart so blind,
that it can't see our love is true,
why can't you see i need you to live,
i need you to talk,
i need to breathe,
i need you to walk,
why are you so blind,
that you can't see how much i care,
to my love,
why are you so un aware,
why doesn't your mind understand i need you,
why can't you get i love you,
and that meeting you,
I'd never undo,
why are you so blind,
that i need you in my life,
and that when you aren't here,
my life becomes such a strife,
why can't you face the fact,
or look at it from my point of veiw,
why are you blind,
to the fact that I'm in love with you,
i tell you in every way i can,
straight up or in a poem,
you are a very smart person,
but honey face it when it comes to love you are dumb,
i just want you to see,
that i want you mine,
i want you,
to stop being love blind,
get it through your brain,
nothing with ever erase my love,
forever in my heart,
you'll always be my sign from above,
should i write it on a banner and let it soar through the sky,
should i let it go on national television,
should i make a sign,
that is so tall it reaches heaven,
what can i do,
to send the message to your mind,
all i want,
is for you to stop being love blind,
so I'm going to stand up,
and say it loud and clear,
I'll even scream it,
as long as you hear,
baby i love you,
and i want you to get it through your mind,
so open your mind and hearts eyes,
and stop being so love blind..............