Whisper Water

by Noir   Apr 17, 2007

My views on the world are callow yet idealistic
Different from my conservative siblings
My past is ridden with hardship and woe
Treading the hot white coal fires since the day I was born

Mother is such a serene word, like the oceans blue
How different that sounds like, how different the woman was
Animal is what you are saying it like a mantra
Normal you will never be, you will always be a freak

Looking at my body, I can see my body ravaged with scars
Inflicted by my parents, torturing me as though I was a prisoner of war
Beauty eludes me, daring not to touch my now vacant soul
Oh how I want to sleep forever in the chocolate ravine

Worry not; I know who I am, through the pain of it all
I am different and unique, yet I am one with you all
It reminds me of something very coincidental
We are all containers of the water, but like the water we are all the same


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  • 17 years ago

    by paul alexander

    I like your poem

  • 17 years ago

    by musiqlover015

    Very thought-provoking

  • 17 years ago

    by Edward D Zurovec

    A beautiful poem and enlightening, For we are all Containers and like water all the same.
    We just need to be stirred into the same container, where there is no better than or greed or chosen, only brothers and sisters thriving together.
    Peace and Blessings

  • 17 years ago

    by The Unwritten Love

    Woow .. nice poem it's amazing .. good job

  • 17 years ago

    by carissalynn

    Wow, that poem kinda hit me.