Im invisible to you

by DarkenedBeauty   Apr 17, 2007

I look at you across the room,
And you're dancing with the other girls,
The popular and pretty ones,
With their hair in perfect curls.
And you smile and you laugh,
Your face in radiant beams,
That smile. That laugh. That face.
Are the making of my dreams.
I watch you as you joke and flirt,
As you court and talk and tease,
With those other girls, those pretty girls,
But you never talk to me.
You ever even notice me,
Am I invisible to you?
Even when I'm standing right before you,
You always seem to see right through.
I want you so much,
Just to know my name,
I don't want to be that girl in the corner
The one who's boring and plain.
I could make you smile,
Make you happy in ways you never knew,
But its never gonna happen
cause I'm invisible to you.


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  • 17 years ago

    by GothChick

    Great poem! I really liked it! I know how you feel too! Sometimes guys only talk to the girls with the good looks and "perfect" bodies and they never reaalixe how much fun the "other" girls can be! Keep writing!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sweet lig

    Wow......... i like the story very interesting and this was such a wonderful poem... it written so well

  • 17 years ago

    by Cj Barritt

    I really liked this poem. It has a lot of emeotion behind it. Very nice.

  • 17 years ago

    by i love you

    That was really good! yet sad at the same time!