Best Friends Forever

by ShaKayla   Apr 18, 2007

Best friends are there for each other,
they cheer each other up when the other is down.
They get each others silly jokes
Even though they get in fights and say mean things
they always forgive and forget.
No matter what happens they stick together
and help each other out.
You can tell each others secrets
and know for a fact that they won't tell anyone.
Trusting them with your inner most thoughts
talking to them about everything you keep inside.
Best friends are there for each other
through thick and thin,
good and bad,
ups and downs,
smiles and frowns.

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  • 17 years ago

    by Noelle Wright

    I love this poem and the ending was GREAT! I'm going to send this to my friend if you dont mind of course


    Noelle Wright

  • 17 years ago

    by lucia

    I agree wit susana but sometimes they prefer a d*** than ure friendship

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