By myself

by Finalgravedigger   Apr 19, 2007

They say your not cool,
They say you suck,
So what.
Ill be myself no matter what.

I dont give into people like you who think their so cool
when their just fools.

Your not yourself,
Your someone else,
Your a puppet so I laugh at you.
I watch the strings pulled and I can tell you feel screwed.

Im happy being myself
No strings attached but how about you?
Then again all you care about is being cool
acting like a fool
and this is probably why I laugh at you.

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  • 17 years ago

    by A Good Man

    I really like this poem,its %100 true

  • 17 years ago

    by Joy

    I enjoyed this.
    I think that it was done really nicely and I can really feel this one.

  • 17 years ago

    by Kitty Kat

    I definitly like this poem!!I always be myself around people and if they don't like what the see or what they know about me then screw them!I have friends who love me for me and thats all I need even if I were to just have one best friend whose always there for me I'm good^-^

  • 17 years ago

    by tinkerbell

    Thnx for the comment:) really good poem its soo true to many ppl feel the pressure to be someone else to fit in 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by shatteredsoul

    Right on man!
    dont give a f^($ what no one thinks!