What Happens...

by emily charles   Apr 19, 2007

What happens if you like someone but realize its never going to happen?
What happens when you decide to give up on that someone, as you know its never going to happen?
But what happens when as soon as you decide to give up on them, they decide to fall in love with you?
How confused would you be?
Because they hadn't been showing much interest in you and then one day BAM!!!
They tell you they think theyre in love with you.
Its so hard because you want to stop loving them,
But the thought that he might love you like you love him keeps you hanging on.
The thought that you might one day be a couple keeps you happy,
All those other offers from all those other guys fade into in-existence, being existences you and you know hes telling the truth.


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  • 17 years ago

    by JaMeS

    Im confused by this one message me to explain it please im intreeged :)