Popular Girl & Lonely Girl

by TaNyabAbEE   Apr 19, 2007

She walks around not knowing why,
why everyday she has to go home & cry.
In this world she feels all alone,
this is why she always stays at home.
She comes to school & always puts on a smile,
even though she knows it's not worth her while.
She sees them & hears what they say,
she goes thru this torment in everyday.
She wishes things could be different,
sometimes she wishes that she was heaven sent.
She wants to be like those other girls,
with all the dresses & their curls.
She doesn't know who she truly is or what she wants,
all these thoughts in her head haunt.
One day she'll realize that she can't be like them,
she'll either have to be herself, or put her life to an end.

The grass isn't greener over here,
we all just ACT like there's nothing to fear.
Our hair may be tied with ribbons & curls,
but we're just like those other girls.
We have fun, yea, but that's not what it's about,
we still have our pitiful self-doubt.
To let you in on a secret, I cry too,
probably for the same reasons you do.
I have the fake smile down to an art,
I'm so alone . . . I have no heart.
My darling Deanna, you are heaven sent,
even though your heart may be broken & bent.
You're gonna be ok, you have nothing to fear,
cuz trust me, the grass ain't greener over here.

writtEn by two closE friEnds of minE, onE popular & onE lonEly. it's both sidEs of thEir story. hopE you likE it, and plEasE commEnt & ratE, i'll pass on thE commEnts. it would mEan alot to all of us. thanks!!!!!!:)


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