Endless Gaze (Italian Sonnet)

by Italian Stallion   Apr 20, 2007

Within my heart
An endless gaze
Of love displays
Never apart
Or about to depart
From my loving ways
And my praise
Which I've given from the start

My heart I give to you
The sound of love, singing from within
From within this lifetime
In which I've come to adore
Like the sound of a violin
That I've heard within my lifetime

© Copyright 2007 By: Italian Stallion

The Italian sonnet is divided into two sections by two different groups of rhyming sounds. The first 8 lines is called the octave and rhymes: abbaabba

The remaining 6 lines is called the sestet and can have either two or three rhyming sounds, arranged in a variety of ways:

c d c d c d
c d d c d c
c d e c d e
c d e c e d
c d c e d c

The exact pattern of sestet rhymes (unlike the octave pattern) is flexible. In strict practice, the one thing that is to be avoided in the sestet is ending with a couplet (dd or ee), as this was never permitted in Italy, and Petrarch himself (supposedly) never used a couplet ending; in actual practice, sestets are sometimes ended with couplets


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  • 17 years ago

    by IdTakeABulletForYou

    I think your poem would be much better off if you had some punctuation at the end of each line =] Just a suggestion.

    Anywho, onto the poem.

    I'm not really sure what to think of this poem. For a strict structure regime, it was pretty good, however I think like all strictly structured poems, you fit the words into the style, and I never really liked poems that were fit into a strict pattern (including my own) because it is too forced.

    But as to the words you used, eh, those are a little sketchy. I'm just not sure about this poem, cause it seemed to me that it was just one of the poems you did because the style seemed interesting.

    It must be just me, because the people above me liked it.

    But that's no matter,
    I'm happy that you're in love,
    and the poem is still excellent in putting forth that point.

    I cannot give this a 5/5 because I feel it is not an excellent poem, because I was never that fond of the Italian sonnets. Don't worry, it's only opinionization and many people may truly love this poem =]