The Lonely, Withered, Wilted, Wild, White Rose.

by Lonesomeme   Apr 20, 2007

The Lonely, Withered, Wilted, Wild, White Rose.
Slumping over the (empty) deing bush.
So voluptuous (and full of life) a few weeks before.
Against its own will, it ages (slowly) into nothingness.
Decay and death plague this once (gentle) wonder
No tainted by time and its own creator

Though, more (sensualy) eye-pleasing roses
Will appear when the time is right,
It will never be the same as the first time
I saw that white rose in full bloom, so much life and exasperation.

I will miss the lonely withered, wilted, wild, white rose.

I will never forget, for a vivid memory lingers in my subconscious.

I will always remember the first feel of love I felt when
I saw this lonely, withering, wilting, wild, white rose.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Alesia

    I really enjoyed the description in this poem. The imagery was, as well, fantastic! I think you could have extended this poem farther, with maybe a little more feeling. I felt the emotion in the first stanza but after that I kinda lost interest. Nice usage of vocabulary.


  • 17 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    Interesting poem. The structure is rather... random, I suppose I could say, especially near the ending. However I really enjoyed reading this poem.

    "Slumping over the (empty) deing bush." - by 'deing' I presume you meant 'dying'?

    Overall - good job.