Comments : Under The Rainbow

  • 17 years ago

    by Ashleigh Skye

    "The last bird fleets" fleets doesnt really make to much sence.
    The third line in the third stanza seems a little bit to short and it kind of throws off the verse.
    "As the sun shines light" hm.. personally I think that bright would have been a bit better word for this one.. light seems kinda off. The other verses seem preaty good the only other thing that I can critique on is the line "as people make joy" people dont make joy and it kind of confused me..

    other than that of course I really liked the poem my favorite lines were by far,

    "Let me be your shadow,
    Because moments move fast."

    I agreed one hundred percet moments do move quickly and we have to do everything we can to keep up with them.. nice job.

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    Ok i llllllllllooooovvvveeeeed this poem it was so beautiful it reminds me of bright colurs and bunnys and stuff

    xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by dollwithafrown

    "As people enjoy,
    You don't want to be the last
    Let me be your shadow,
    Because moments move fast"

    ^ I loved this stanza. It really summed up what you were wanting to say.

    Excellent. You're a talented writer.

  • 17 years ago

    by Melpomene

    The last bird fleets

    That line didn't seem to make sense to me. I think you ment "flees" Or something along them lines. Other then that i found this poem to be interesting. Quite sweet. Well done on a nice pome you have here~mel

  • 17 years ago

    by xPerfect Chaosx

    It's a very sweet poem of how you will be there for your friend no matter what. It's a very nice poem and I like it alot. I love the emotional imagry here, it speaks of another deeper feeling underneath it all. Very very well written for sure!! 5/5!!

    Much Love,

  • 17 years ago

    by Tricky Daze

    The explanations were so powerful like the wording
    It was so sweet and touching
    Keep it up
    Take care,