Comments : Cruelty of circumcision

  • 17 years ago

    by Lori Lee

    Hm...I never looked at it that way before. I didn't know people actually felt that way. well, my son was circumsised at birth. but there are some plus sides to circumsicion. cuz like if you were to not circumcise the child, it would be easier for bacteria to hide and grow. making it more easier to get or give an std or whatever. but you did have some good points that I had never thought of before, and I honestly thought your poem was very beautiful. especailly the part where you said a child's genitals belongs to them and they have the right to keep what is theirs. and even though you view it more differently than i do, I respect your opinion. and i loved your poem. i honestly did. 5/5

  • 17 years ago

    by KAP DAR
