I Am...

by the simple girl   Apr 21, 2007

I am not a perfect person
I don't say thank you every time I should
I don't get straight A's
I don't always think about everyone else before myself
I don't always do what's right
I have cried myself to sleep
I have many flaws
I have hated someone
And I'm not always a pleasure to be around

But when I do say thank you
I mean it with all I've got
Even though I don't get straight A's
I never stop trying
When I do think of others before myself
I will be there to lend a hand
For everything that I do wrong
I do twice as much right
Even though I've cried myself to sleep
I woke up the next day to start brand new
For every flaw I have
It makes the good things even better
For that one person I've hated
I've made up for it by loving countless others
And when I am a pleasure to be around
You won't want to be anywhere else

I am a human
And while I have felt like I was lost
I always found myself
Because while I am not a perfect person
I am the most perfect me
That there will ever be.


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Latest Comments

  • 17 years ago

    by Elizabetta

    I liked this poem a lot, especially this line ~

    Because while I am not a perfect person
    I am the most perfect me
    That there will ever be.

    Great job! 5/5


  • 17 years ago

    by Alma

    Wow. beautiful poem
    it's true that we are only human
    and as history will tell us we are not perfect
    but we learn from our past and our mistakes
    making us better and stronger
    loved it!

  • 17 years ago

    by Nyx

    Real nice.i like these lines(I am a human
    And while I have felt like I was lost
    I always found myself) well done