You ask who am I, well.... let me tell you:

by KeyxMashingxParody   Apr 22, 2007

~I recently read a forum post asking about who we are, and I thought I'd make my little poem longer and tell you~

I am a figure of speech,
That no one understands.
No person can guess,
And no philosopher can describe.

I am in between love and hate,
Passion and lust.
I am between heaven and hell,
Belief and fact.

I am a new breed of metaphor,
Compare me all you want.
But it will end in an ironic twist,
You can never predict me.

I am more than enough,
I am less than most.
To many feelings run about me,
I am the dream host.

I am a tear,
The one that comes from your veins.
I slip away down your arm,
And I make a bold stain.

I leave my mark,
Where ever I go.
Like the blood drop,
You'll always know.

And for my friends,
Like I said before.
I always be here with you,
Stained on the floor.

~of life to live, I gave it all up~


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  • 17 years ago

    by Brittany C

    Once more another great poem. I gave it a 5/5.

  • 17 years ago

    by Independence Forever

    Now i wonder who i am. thanks for making me ponder my life existence now i'll never get to bed. but seriously, good poem

    your servant: