
by Devon lansdown   Apr 23, 2007

All she needed was a mother
all she asked for was a friend
what she wanted was a Saviour
then she found it in the end
first the pain would stop the anger
then the scars could heal her crys
now the memories help her remember
and stop heartache entering her eyes
not one person could be trusted
her feelings locked away
she'd get home and be proud
that she'd lasted one More day
no one could find a problem
no huge trauma stuck out
yes she's had her troubles
but its what childhoods all about
she managed to struggle through it
too clever to ever be caught
she had battled and beaten her demons
at least this is what everyone fought.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Fan Angeleo

    Last line is it supposed to be fought or thought,
    keep at it you are good.