by *Ill Never Let Go* Apr 24, 2007
category :
Love, romance /
secret love
Only if you knew how hard my heart beats for you, I pass along little looks only hoping that you see. I've given you hugs that say these arms are here for you, Sighs escape my soul knowing I haven't the courage to tell you. So as I roam these halls i get winks from others that have no effect on me. The time is know is all i can say but as i reach close my breath stops, frozen in place I stand with hands shaking, my legs grow weak I scream in my head tell her but I seem to drag up a random conversation. My head grows numb as i walk away, hearing a sad melody that my heart moans to hear you say I love you. Not a day goes by that i don't beat myself for not having the courage. I toss and turn at night thinking of how i can tell you. Nothing comes so i drown my sorrow in the tainted booze at the break of dawn, Knowing i can feel no pain i walk to you, as you greet me with a smile and a hug followed by a hello from the touch of our hands. I close my eyes and let the secret that i have kept locked away for so long escape from its bars. I hurts feeling as if my heart stops i cant hear anything but the deep breaths im taking in, time has come to a stop... |