Beautiful Foreskin

by KAP DAR   Apr 24, 2007

Beautiful foreskin what have they done
your like a rose bud
tightly softly closed are your petals
of skin around its interior of wonder
over time to be reviled as your internal beauty grows
the petals of skin naturally unfold
in the maturity of its bloom
so wonderful is the foreskin
the secret of what most Americans
and other rogue nations don't know

why do barbarians or any one of us
want to smash it
then rip it off
of a defenseless Innocent child
this beautiful creation of nature
naturally protective foreskin

they'll tell you its dirty disgusting and diseased
to right what they did wrong
to make it seem right
to give meaning to what has no right
to continue to live in the same lies
of the past
so much feeling is lax
in the need to feed what corporate greed demands
such a lack of compassion
in self taught ignorance
in bias plans
to rid the world of rose buds
to make there pockets fat
if you can grasp
what I'm saying
only then you'll realize
awful beyond words is the way
and its all very real what gos on
in this day and age
we might as well
be in the stone age
hurting the ones your supposed
to love and protect
this way is back wards!
if you could only see
only then you would understand.


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  • 17 years ago

    by KAP DAR
