Circumcising violates

by KAP DAR   Apr 24, 2007

Circumcising a baby violates
personal right of wholeness
to keep a body normal
all body parts are intact
there is no physical reason
to cute short a baby boy
Amputating foreskin
robs him
of this uniquely
specialized protective erogenous tissue
Circumcision is sexual mutilation
used long ago as a form of castration
Like any other organ removal
amputation has risks!!
including excessive bleeding!!
infection and even death!!
do parents even know this?
are they aware of this harm?
caused by circumcision
infants are people not animals
to state there own wishes
and to protect them self
against what he would other wise
not ever do to diminish wholeness
for once just look into his eyes
and try to put your self in his place
educate your self if you care
and make his world
a much kinder loving place


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  • 17 years ago

    by KAP DAR
