Sensual Sunflower

by Angie   Apr 24, 2007

Sensual Sunflower

lying on a blanket
in a field of green
sexy thong underwear
creating a sensual scene

a picnic basket packed
with delicious treats
one of them being
my sunflower of sweet

the sun warms my skin
wine soothes my throat
daydreaming of my lover
in a rythmic love boat

whisk me away
oh sunflower of delight
rock my senses
into the moonless night

Written for a contest based on the photo.


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  • 17 years ago

    by Kelsie

    Whisk me away
    oh sunflower of delight
    rock my senses
    into the moonless night
    ^^^^ i really like this line man, i can dig the poem.

  • 17 years ago

    by Cindy

    Great job on this poem. Full of passion. Imagery is wonderful.

    the sun warms my skin
    wine soothes my throat
    daydreaming of my lover
    in a rythmic love boat

    This stanza really paints a picture for the mind :)
    Take Care Cindy

  • 17 years ago

    by Bogie

    A sexy read indeed, youre written
    words say what the photo shows
    beauty, thought, flowers and
    Excellent job and write on,