Comments : To anyone that cares (suicide Note)

  • 17 years ago

    by Fiend in the Iron Maiden

    It is a very well writen, I like it just...not the topic, I mean its sad that you wish to be dead T_T BUT! ^^ I am here for ya! so you can be happy and be like WOOT WOOT OH YA! XD even though you do not know me or anything XD but again well writen, 5/5 and if you ever need anything im here for you to talk to ^^

  • 17 years ago

    by Fake Facade

    Is this like a real real death note o__O
    u noe i used to be suicidal, but life can rbing many suprises.

    btw what you wrote was great, it had great flow :)

  • 17 years ago

    by slowlyxfallingxapart

    Okay hun, i know i don't know you..but DON'T DO IT! please. i have tried many times and obviously haven't succeeded and now im dealing with the same thing's not worth it. it isn't. its just not. so so many people would miss you. you have no idea. you sound like one amazing person and your poems are awesome. so do not do it. just dont. its a simple no. just no. no. no. no. okay? are we clear? good. thank you. nice work. i like it. :)

  • 17 years ago

    by Andrew

    Thats some really nice poetry, liked it but hope it isnt true in nature....keep it up

  • 16 years ago

    by Courtney Hough

    *It haunts me in my dreams and thoughts*
    i know how that is.......don't do it please i almost did it 3 times and im happy i didn't life started getting better,,,,,its not a good thing,,,,, if u need to talk i will listen hang in there 5/5

  • I like it you are good at it hope ever thing works for you

  • 16 years ago

    by JusTxXxLiezZz

    Great poem 5/5 for me. Just love d poem completely couldn't have said it any better

  • 16 years ago

    by Mister 47

    Suicide , a word to be taken hard on the ears of those who love you ,

    and sometimes a person do it becuase he can not see good , the pepole that care for him .

    yes this death can releive the person from much pain , but he take that pain and put it in the heart of those who loves him and care .

    i dont want to remeber or think of a time like that

    as much life is hard ,we are expected to fight it ..

  • 16 years ago

    by heartbrokengrl

    You better not be thinking of doing that. but even if this is not a poem it was really good

  • 16 years ago

    by You Kill Me

    This is very good writing. &+ if I ever am in need to write a suicide note I hope that I would be able to find the best words to explain why I am doing what ive done. Very good.

  • 16 years ago

    by ChallengexEverything

    You may think this is a temporary problem and I'm solving it with a permanent solution
    ^i really liked that part:]

    actually i liked the whole thing.
    it was amazig, i can relate.
    but it's truly not worth it..

    and we have the same name lol

  • 16 years ago

    by dogma I

    Nice letter. you were specificly descriptive.
    I like that...

  • 15 years ago

    by that Dude

    Many people care about you, Ashley.
    Call when you have these thoughts.

  • 15 years ago

    by Kianna

    I may not know you but i really hope you don't feel that your life, be as happy as you can manage...don't end your life. go on living it.

  • 15 years ago

    by XxHiis BooxX

    Damn, thats deep
    damn i use to no i cant say i use to i still write like this sometimes...but and think like this but yea...

    i give this a 5/5 tho...

    damn that got to me...haha

    you should check out my poems when you get a chance...

  • 15 years ago

    by Frozen hearT

    A short poem again...... a great poem from u again.... stanza.......ill read more of ur poem soon. thank for writting. =)

  • 15 years ago

    by She Is Now Gone Away

    I know that you wrote this in 2007 but I thought id let you know that I hope you still don't feel that way and that I hope that you found a brighter light cause there is always a way to fight that feeling. Well good poems as well that you write want to say keep it up.


  • 15 years ago

    by xxxGrimmxxx

    Love your poem short yet to the point your an amazing poet you have such a way with words and expressing emotion your a better poet than i will ever be i love how you dare to paint outside the lines in the world of poetry

  • 15 years ago

    by Faithless

    This does sound like a suicide note. I just hope that it's not true. Well after reading this, i feel that sometimes we need to reach out to those who need to be heard.

    Well I notice that we are in the same club, but i dont think we've spoken to each other before, but if need someone to talk to, i'll be there for you.


  • 15 years ago

    by Sumit Ojha

    Why you write this...