Comments : Remember the Memories

  • 17 years ago


    I REALLY liked that, I am left speechless so this may either be a crappy comment, or a confusing comment..or both! haha.

    First off, I really loved the structure of this poem, and the repetition of ideas really helped to bring the idea forth more.

    I liked your vocabulary as well, it expands with each poem you write, and I sometimes learn new words off of you! haha, which is a good thing. =)

    But, there were a few things I caught on to...
    "the past is reall was real can be repeated"
    could be
    "The past is real, was real, can never be repeated"
    "Explore and learnl you've changed and grew"
    could be
    "explore and learn; you've changed and grew"

    Maybe not a semi-colon in that one, but a comma or a sentence break would help because some people read poems out loud and with proper grammar, it brings it out more. =)

    Nontheless, I did love this poem, as I love all your work..but Dear, this is probably my favorite that I have read of yours thus far, I think I may just nominate it..not because I love you (BUT I DO), but because it is worthy of being on the front page. =)

    heartchuu. 5.5

  • 17 years ago

    by Jenni Marie

    This was beautiful!
    The opening was beautifully done, really pulls the reader into the poem, and from there on it gets better and better.
    Flow was flawless throughout, and the imagery creates vivid pictures.
    The wording was an absolute joy to read, as was the whole poem.
    The repetition used was nicely done, it gave the poem such a lot of impact, and it was beautifully wrapped up.

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    This is a real sweet poem and i think you really liked english lol, youre a really good writer, usually i have read alot of everybodys work on here lol not you ill have to have a lil nosey if thats ok :D i love your repetition, it sets the tone and continues the flow. A refreshing read :D

    xxx alex xxx

  • 17 years ago

    by Choose xX Alex Xx Life

    This is a great poem hn again i love life [poetry as you can prob tell. lol xxx alex xxx