Love Hurts

by Jamie Lorraine   Apr 25, 2007

Love hurts
that's what I learned the other day
when you took my heart away
but sometimes I feel trapped as I am

it is hard to leave you
when you say those words
and I actually believe in you
when you say that you truly care

tears in your eyes
are they real?
or just another game of how you really feel
are you going to make me believe your lies

love hurts
now I see
why didn't I realize
that when I died?

it hurts, it hurts
never fall in love
because love hurts


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  • 17 years ago

    by Pink Romance

    Yeah i agree, i never been in a serious relationship either... but they are b**** but i would give it a try...
    =) ) =

    hit me bac!

  • 17 years ago

    by Sourav

    Love hurts... Yes it does... Real emotional poem... But I must say it's not wel structured... U need to make it more neat.

  • 17 years ago

    by xxSnow Angelxx

    Good job!...the repetition have given the emotion in the poem a better look....Kp up the good work.

    Ps:i think it shud be "other" instaed of "another" in the second line...any way u've done good job on this poem!

  • 17 years ago

    by The Simpsons rule

    I really like this poem as i no that love hurts! 5/5

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